Abstract: | Abstract. Natural stands of Pinus brutia were compared to burned areas after a great fire in 1985 on the island of Thasos, North Greece, in relation to site quality effects on the success of natural regeneration and understorey vegetation. The number of seedlings in the natural stands of P. brutia was 1124/ha against 3188/ha in the burned area. In both cases natural regeneration was successful. Under the canopy of P. brutia forests the predominant shrubs were Quercus coccifera and vPhillyrea latifolia. A high percentage (up to 40%) of the total area was covered by these species. In the burned areas, 12 yr after the wildfire of 1985, Cistus incanus and C. salvifolius played a significant role in the survival of P. brutia seedlings. These species had covered the burned area long before the pine seed germination. |