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Microsatellite DNA Polymorphism in Intensely Enhanced Populations of Sea Trout (Salmo trutta) in the Southern Baltic
Authors:Anna Was  Roman Wenne
Affiliation:(1) Sea Fisheries Institute, Kollataja 1, 81-332 Gdynia, Poland;(2) Marine Biology Center, Polish Academy of Sciences, Sw. Wojciecha 5, 81-347 Gdynia, Poland;(3) Present address: Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Sw. Wojciecha 5, 81-347 Gdynia, Poland
Abstract:Sea trout (Salmo trutta) is an anadromous form of brown trout, a commercially important salmonid species in Europe. Stocking has been used to compensate for the decrease of natural populations and maintenance of fishery and angling catches. Over 1.5 million smolts and 4.5 million alevins are released to Polish coastal rivers each year. Variation at 7 microsatellite loci (Ssa197, Ssa171, Ssa85, Str15, Str73, Str591, and Str543) was used to study genetic polymorphism of spawners returning to 6 rivers. Application of distance method for comparison of pairs of populations based on number of different alleles (F ST) revealed significant differences between Vistula and Wieprza, and Parseta as well as between Drweca and Wieprza, and Slupia. The level of heterozygosity was similar between most of the studied sea trout populations; considerable differences were found only for Str591. Differences in frequencies of a few alleles between populations were observed. An exact test of sample differentiation based on allele frequencies confirmed lack of significance of differentiation between the 6 pairs of populations (F ST and R ST). No admixture was observed in the studied populations. Possible effects of stocking on the genetic polymorphism of the sea trout populations in wild with implications for biotechnology are discussed.
Keywords:microsatellites  population genetics  stocking  trout   Salmo trutta
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