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The delta sleep-inducing peptide as a factor enhancing the content of substance P in the hypothalamus and the resistance of rats to emotional stress]
Authors:R M Salieva  K Ianovski?  R Ratsak  Ia I Trofimova  P Oehme  K V Sudakov  E A Iumatov
Abstract:The influence of the delta-sleep inducing peptide (DSIP, 60 and 120 nmol/kg, intraperitoneally) on the content of substance P (SP) in rats hypothalamus was studied on males of August line. DSIP administration significantly increased the mean SP content in the hypothalamus and also its content in animals, stable and predisposed to emotional stress. Daily DSIP administration before putting the rats in conditions of stress increased the SP content in the hypothalamus decreased at the emotional stress. Preliminary single DSIP administration to the animals subjected to stress also increased the SP content. Single DSIP administration in a dose of 60 nmol/kg sharply reduced classical stress manifestations, such as hypertrophy of adrenals and thymus involution.
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