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The use of water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes L.) for rhizofiltration of a highly polluted solution by cadmium and lead
Authors:Veselý Tomás  Tlustos Pavel  Száková Jirina
Affiliation:Department of Agroenvironmental Chemistry and Plant Nutrition, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Kamycká, Prague, Czech Republic. veselyt@af.czu.cz
Abstract:The effectiveness of heavy metal uptake from contaminated nutrient solution by four aquatic macrophytes (Pistia stratiotes L., Salvinia auriculata AubL, Salvinia minima Baker, and Azolla filiculoides Lam) was estimated in this study. The influence of cadmium (3.5 mg L(-1) and 10.5 mg L(-1)) and lead (25 mg L(-1) and 125 mg L(-1)) on the stress symptoms was observed through the determination of chlorophyll content and transpiration rate over 14 days of the experiment. The results of the present study showed extreme reductions in Cd and Pb concentrations in solution during the first 4 days. The accumulation of Pb in plant tissues was the highest during the first 4 days and was more than 10 times higher in the roots (42,862 mg kg(-1)) than in the leaves (3867 mg kg(-1)). The accumulation of Cd slowly increased and was the highest at the end of the experiment. Concentrations in roots (3923 mg kg(-1)) were roughly 6 times higher than in the leaves (624 mg kg(-1)). Results showed significant decrease in the transpiration rate at Pb treatment and a significant increase at Cd treatment during 48 hours of exposition.
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