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Zooplankton distribution in four ponds of different salinity: a seasonal study in the solar salterns of Sfax (Tunisia)
Authors:Néji Toumi  Habib Ayadi  Olfa Abid  Jean-François Carrias  Télesphore Sime-Ngando  Mekki Boukhris  Abderrahmen Bouain
Affiliation:(1) Laboratoire d"rsquo"Ecologie Planctonique, Faculté des Sciences de Sfax, Route Soukra, Km 3.5, 3038 Sfax, Tunisie;(2) Laboratoire de Biologie des Protistes, Université Blaise Pascal (Clermont II), UMR CNRS 6023, 63177 Aubière Cedex, France
Abstract:The seasonal distribution of metazooplankton and large-sized ciliates was studied in four ponds of different salinity in the solar salterns of Sfax (Tunisia). Total zooplankton abundance varied from 1 × 103 to 4.7 × 106 ind m–3. Salinity had a negative effect on the abundance of copepods and rotifers which were absent in the pond with the highest salt concentration (180permil) in which the number of taxa was low and Artemia or the ciliate Fabrea largely dominated the zooplankton community. Temperature and the presence of Dunaliella salina as prey appeared as key factors in controlling the abundance of Artemia, while organic detritus appeared as important in the diet of Fabrea. Change in zooplankton species composition along the hypersaline gradient (40–90permil) was primarily related to salinity. However, our data suggest the importance of both the abundance and composition of food in the spatial and temporal variations of some zooplankton species.
Keywords:Artemia  copepods  zooplankton distribution  Mediterranean saltern  Tunisia
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