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Assessment of a bioaugmentation strategy with polyphosphate accumulating organisms in a nitrification/denitrification sequencing batch reactor
Authors:Tayà Carlota  Guisasola Albert  Baeza Juan A
Affiliation:Departament d’Enginyeria Química, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 08193 Bellaterra, Spain
Abstract:Different alternative configurations and strategies for the simultaneous biological removal of organic matter and nutrients (N and P) in wastewater have been proposed in the literature. This work demonstrates a new successful strategy to bring in enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) to a conventional nitrification/denitrification system by means of bioaugmentation with an enriched culture of phosphorus accumulating organisms (PAO). This strategy was tested in a sequencing batch reactor (SBR), where an 8 h configuration with 3 h anoxic, 4.5 h aerobic and 25 min of settling confirmed that nitrification, denitrification and PAO activity could be maintained for a minimum of 60 days of operation after the bioaugmentation step. The successful bioaugmentation strategy opens new possibilities for retrofitting full-scale WWTP originally designed for only nitrification/denitrification. These systems could remove P simultaneously to COD and N if they were bioaugmented with waste purge of an anaerobic/aerobic SBR operated in parallel treating part of the influent wastewater.
Keywords:Activated sludge   Bioaugmentation   Enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR)   Nitrogen removal   Polyphosphate accumulating organisms (PAO)
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