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Performance of subsurface flow constructed wetland taking pretreated swine effluent under heavy loads
Authors:Lee Chi-Yuan  Lee Chun-Chih  Lee Fang-Yin  Tseng Szu-Kung  Liao Chiu-Jung
Affiliation:Water Resources and Environmental Engineering Program, Department of Harbor and River Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung 20224, Taiwan, ROC. cylee@mail.ntou.edu.tw
Abstract:Subsurface flow constructed wetlands (SSFCW) subjected to changing of loading rates are poorly understood, especially when used to treat swine waste under heavy loads. This study employed a SSFCW system to take pretreated swine effluent at three hydraulic retention times (HRT): 8.5-day HRT (Phase I), 4.3-day HRT (Phase II), and 14.7-day HRT (Phase III). Results showed that the system responded well to the changing hydraulic loads in removing suspended solids (SS) and carbonaceous oxygen demands. The averaged reduction efficiencies for four major constituents in the three phases were: SS 96-99%, chemical oxygen demand (COD) 77-84%, total phosphorus 47-59%, and total nitrogen (TN) 10-24%. While physical mechanisms were dominant in removing pollutants, the contributions of microbial mechanisms increased with the duration of wetland use, achieving 48% of COD removed and 16% of TN removed in the last phase. Water hyacinth made only a minimal contribution to the removal of nutrients. This study suggested that the effluent from SSFCW was appropriate for further treatment in land applications for nutrient assimilation.
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