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Structure and development of the larval central complex in a holometabolous insect,the beetle Tenebrio molitor
Authors:Rainer Wegerhoff  Olaf Breidbach
Affiliation:(1) Institut für Angewandte Zoologie, An der Immenburg 1, W-5300 Bonn 1, Germany
Summary The neuroarchitecture of the central complex, a prominent neuropil in the midbrain of the holometabolan, Tenebrio molitor, is described throughout larval development. The analysis is based on classical silver impregnations and on fate-mapping of identified neurons using antisera against serotonin and FMRF-amide. In T. molitor, the central body is present in the first larval instar, and is formed by side branches of contralaterally projecting neurons. Glial cells surround eight neuropil compartments in the first larval instar. These subdivisions in the organization of the fan-shaped body are maintained throughout development. Intrinsic interneurons are found from the 5th larval instar onwards. In the last larval stage, the central complex consists of the fan-shaped body, the protocerebral bridge, and the anlage of the ellipsoid body. The cellular architecture of the fan-shaped body of the last larval instar resembles the basic structural characteristics of the adult. Serotonin-immunoreactive neurons and FMRF-amide immunoreactive neurons in the midbrain of the first larval instar show the basic structural features of the respective imaginal cells. The structural organizations of larval and adult midbrain are compared.Abbreviations a Anterior - AGT antenno-glomerular tract - aL agr-lobus - AL antennal lobe - AP anterior protocerebrum - bL beta-lobe - BSN bilateral symmetrical - FMRF amide-immunopositive neurons - CA calyx - CL1-CL4 serotonin-immunopositive neurons cluster 1–4 - d dorsal - DAB diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride - DC dorsal commissure - DCFB dorsal commissure of the fan-shaped body - DHT dorsal horizontal tract - DLTR dorsal lateral triangle - DMLP dorsal medial lateral protocerebrum - DN serotonin-immunopositive deuterocerebral neuron - EB ellipsoid body - en1, en2 extrinsic neurons connecting two FB-subcompartments - esn extrinsic subcompartmental neuron - l lateral - FB fan-shaped body - FN serotonin-immunopositive fan-shaped neuron - fs1, fs2 fanshaped neurons of type 1 and 2 - GC great commissure - HF horizontal fibres - in intrinsic neuron connecting two FB-subcompartments - isn intrinsic subcompartmental neuron - IT isthmus tract - LF large-field neurons - LFASC lateral fascicle - LMFASC lateral median fascicle - MB median bundles - MLP medial lateral protocerebrum - p posterior - P pedunculus - PB protocerebral bridge - pb-fb protocerebral bridge-fan-shaped body connection - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - PDC posterio-dorsal commissure - PTX phosphate-buffered saline containing Triton X-100 - SU suboesophageal ganglion - SVT small ventral triangles - TN 1,2 tritocerebral serotonin-immunoreactive neuron 1,2 - v ventral - VB ventral body - VBC ventral body commissure - VCBC ventral central body commissure - VCFB ventral commissure of the fan-shaped body
Keywords:Neuronal development  Neuropil  Immunohistochemistry  Serotonin  FMRF-amide  Brain, invertebrate  Protocerebrum  Tenebrio molitor (Insecta)
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