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Resistance gene enrichment sequencing (RenSeq) enables reannotation of the NB‐LRR gene family from sequenced plant genomes and rapid mapping of resistance loci in segregating populations
Authors:Walter Verweij  Jadwiga Śliwka  Leighton Pritchard  Graham J. Etherington  Dan Maclean  Peter J. Cock  Richard M. Leggett  Glenn J. Bryan  Linda Cardle  Ingo Hein  Jonathan D.G. Jones
Affiliation:1. The Sainsbury Laboratory, , NR4 7UH Norwich, UK;2. The Genome Analysis Centre, , NR4 7UH Norwich, UK;3. The Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute, Research Center M?ochów, , 05‐831 M?ochów, Poland;4. Information and Computational Sciences, James Hutton Institute, , DD2 5DA Dundee, UK;5. Cell and Molecular Sciences, James Hutton Institute, , DD2 5DA Dundee, UK
Abstract:RenSeq is a NB‐LRR (nucleotide binding‐site leucine‐rich repeat) gene‐targeted, Resistance gene enrichment and sequencing method that enables discovery and annotation of pathogen resistance gene family members in plant genome sequences. We successfully applied RenSeq to the sequenced potato Solanum tuberosum clone DM, and increased the number of identified NB‐LRRs from 438 to 755. The majority of these identified R gene loci reside in poorly or previously unannotated regions of the genome. Sequence and positional details on the 12 chromosomes have been established for 704 NB‐LRRs and can be accessed through a genome browser that we provide. We compared these NB‐LRR genes and the corresponding oligonucleotide baits with the highest sequence similarity and demonstrated that ~80% sequence identity is sufficient for enrichment. Analysis of the sequenced tomato S. lycopersicum ‘Heinz 1706’ extended the NB‐LRR complement to 394 loci. We further describe a methodology that applies RenSeq to rapidly identify molecular markers that co‐segregate with a pathogen resistance trait of interest. In two independent segregating populations involving the wild Solanum species S. berthaultii (Rpi‐ber2) and S. ruiz‐ceballosii (Rpi‐rzc1), we were able to apply RenSeq successfully to identify markers that co‐segregate with resistance towards the late blight pathogen Phytophthora infestans. These SNP identification workflows were designed as easy‐to‐adapt Galaxy pipelines.
Keywords:NB‐LRR  pathogen resistance  Solanaceae  target enrichment  next‐generation sequencing  Solanum tuberosum Group Phureja clone DM1‐3 516 R44     Solanum ruiz‐ceballosii        Solanum berthaultii        Solanum lycopersicum     technical advance
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