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引用本文:刘玮,张嘉超,邓光华. 不同栽培时间三叶赤楠根际微生物多样性及其PCR-DGGE分析[J]. 植物研究, 2010, 30(5): 582-587
作者姓名:刘玮  张嘉超  邓光华
作者单位:1.江西农业大学园林与艺术学院,南昌 330045;;2.湖南大学环境科学与工程学院,长沙 410082;;3.湖南大学环境生物与控制教育部重点实验室,长沙 410082
摘    要:应用聚合酶链式反应—变性梯度凝胶电泳(PCR-DGGE)研究了不同栽培时间三叶赤楠根际微生物多样性特征。结果表明:采用改进的蛋白酶K-CTAB法提取的三叶赤楠土壤DNA经PCR扩增的产物经DGGE检测后得到的电泳条带清晰且分离效果好,可以明显反映出三叶赤楠生长过程中土壤微生物多样性的变化。栽培时间对三叶赤楠根际微生物特征有很大影响:随着栽培时间增加,土壤微生物多样性增加,在第4年多样性指数达到最高值2.741,第8年时多样性指数降为1.378。不同栽培时间三叶赤楠根际微生物类群组成有所变化。根际微生物特征可以作为盆景换盆的一个指导因素,三叶赤楠盆景的换盆在其生长4~6年时进行可能最为合适,此时三叶赤楠根际微生物的多样性最为丰富,进行换盆会加快其根际微生态系统的建成。

关 键 词:三叶赤楠;根际微生物;栽培时间;PCR-DGGE分析

Influence of Cultivation Time on the Rhizosphere Microbial Diversity of Syzygium grijsii and Its PCR-DGGE Analysis
LIU Wei,ZHANG Jia-Chao,DENG Guang-Hua. Influence of Cultivation Time on the Rhizosphere Microbial Diversity of Syzygium grijsii and Its PCR-DGGE Analysis[J]. Bulletin of Botanical Research, 2010, 30(5): 582-587
Authors:LIU Wei  ZHANG Jia-Chao  DENG Guang-Hua
Affiliation:1.College of Art and Landscape,Jiangxi Agricultural University,Nanchang 330045;2.College of Environmental Science and Engineering,Hunan University,Changsha 410082;3.Key Laboratory of Environmental Biology and Pollution Control (Hunan University),Ministry of Education,Changsha 410082
Abstract:A Polymerase Chain Reaction-Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) method was used to determine the rhizosphere microorganism diversity of Syzygium grijsii after different cultivation times. Total community DNA was extracted and purified from soils by an improved Protease K-CTAB method, and then amplified using eubacterial 16S rDNAs primers. The PCR products were analyzed by DGGE to obtain bacterial community patterns. The electrophoresis lanes obtained by PCR-DGGE were legible and distinguishable. The results showed that rhizosphere microorganism diversity could be significantly affected by cultivation time. Soil microorganism diversity increased with cultivation time, with the peak diversity index of 2.741 after 4 years or so, then the diversity index decreased to a lower value of 1.378 after 8 years. Composition of rhizosphere microorganism community had a great difference in different cultivation times. Characteristic of rhizosphere microorganism could be used as a guiding factor for changing flowerpot. For S.grijsii, 4-6 years might be a suitable time to change flowerpot, as rhizosphere microorganism of S.grijsii in this time would have the highest diversity, and would be easy to establish.
Keywords:Syzygium grijsii  rhizosphere microorganism diversity  cultivation time  PCR-DGGE analysis
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