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Mapping of genes on the chloroplast DNA of Spirodela oligorhiza
Authors:Jan H. Van Ee  Yvonne J. Vos  Hans J. Bohnert  Rudi J. Planta
Affiliation:(1) Biochemisch Laboratorium, Vrije Universiteit, de Boelelaan 1083, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands;(2) EMBO Laboratories, Postfach 10.2209, 6900 Heidelberg, BRD
Abstract:With the use of spinach chloroplast RNAs as probes, we have mapped the rRNA genes and a number of protein genes on the chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) of the duckweed Spirodela oligorhiz. For a more precise mapping of these genes we had to extend the previously determined [14] restriction endonuclease map of the duckweed cpDNA with the cleavage sites for the restriction endonucleases Sma I and Bgl I. The physical map indicates that duckweed cpDNA contains two inverted repeat regions (18 Md) separated by two single copy regions with a size of 19 Md and 67 Md, respectively.By hybridization with spinach chloroplast rRNAs it could be shown that each of the two repeat units contains one set of rRNA genes in the order: 16S rRNA gene — spacer — 23S rRNA gene — 5S rRNA gene.A spinach chloroplast mRNA preparation (14S RNA), which is predominantly translated into a 32 Kilodalton (Kd) protein [9], hybridized strongly to a DNA fragment in the large single copy region, immediately outside one of the inverted repeats. With another mRNA preparation (18S), which mainly directs the in vitro synthesis of a 55 Kd protein [9], hybridization was observed with two DNA regions, located between 211° and 233° and between 137° and 170°, respectively. Finally, with a spinach chloroplast genomic probe for the large subunit of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase [17], hybridization was found with a DNA fragment located between 137° and 158° on the map.
Keywords:Chloroplast DNA  physical map  rRNA genes  cp protein genes
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