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The Physiological Ecology of the Zebra Mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, in North America and Europe
Affiliation:Center for Biological Macrofouling Research, Department of Biology, Box 19498, The University of Texas at Arlington Arlington, Texas 76019
SYNOPSIS. The zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas), wasintroduced into North America in 1986. Initial North American(N.A.) studies suggested that physiological responses variedbetween N.A. and European populations. However, literature reviewindicates agreement on most aspects of physiological adaptationincluding: respiratory responses; hypoxia/anoxia tolerance;salinity limits; emersion tolerance; freezing resistance; environmentalpH limits; calcium limits; starvation responses; and bioenergeticpartitioning. The main differences among N.A. and European musselsappear to be elevated upper thermal limits and temperaturesfor optimum growth among N.A. populations. N.A. zebra musselsprobably originated from the northern shore of the Black Seain the warmest portion of the mussel's European range. However,most European physiological data come from northern Europe wherepopulations may be adapted to colder temperatures. Alternatively,N.A. research suggests that mussels may have a capacity forseasonal temperature acclimatization such that responses recordedin warmer N.A. waters may be different from those recorded innorthern Europe even after short-term laboratory acclimation.Studies of genetic variation and physiological response amongEuropean and N.A. D. polymorpha populations are required toelucidate the basis for physiological differentiation. Recentlyevolved D. polymorpha has poor resistance adaptations comparedto unionacean and sphaeriid bivalves with longer freshwaterfossil histories. Poor resistance adaptations make it less suitedfor stable habitats, instead, its high fecundities, early maturity,and rapid growth are adaptations to unstable habitats whereextensive resistance adaptations are of little value.
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