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The synthesis and defluorination of monofluoroacetate in some Dichapetalum species
Authors:Brian Vickery  Margaret Lydia Vickery
Affiliation:Njala University College, Njala, Sierra Leone South Africa
Abstract:Leaves from Dichapetalum toxicarium (G. Don) Baill. (Dichapetalaceae) removed from the plant and aqueous extracts prepared from the leaves of D. heudelotii (Planch. ex Oliv.) Baill. were able to synthesize monofluoroacetate from NaF. D. pallidum (Oliv.) Engl. leaves were not able to synthesize monofluoroacetate from NaF. Aqueous extracts from both D. toxicarium and D. heudelotii containing monofluoroacetate and possibly other organo-fluorine compounds were defluorinated by a micro-organism from the air. This organism was able to defluorinate fluorocitrate but not difluoroacetate or trifluoroacetate. In D. toxicarium monofluoroacetate is present in a form which is easily leached from the leaves, and which is defluorinated if the leaves are kept under herbarium conditions. The monofluoroacetate in this species is not defluorinated if the leaves are dried at 100° and stored in sealed polythene bags.
Keywords:Dichapetalaceae  fluoride  monofluoroacetate biosynthesis  monofluoroacetate defluorination  fluorocitrate
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