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Endophytic Fungal Assemblages from Inner Bark and Twig of Terminalia arjuna W. & A. (Combretaceae)
Authors:Mysore V. Tejesvi  Basavanna Mahesh  Monnanda S. Nalini  Harishchandra S. Prakash  Kukkundoor R. Kini  Ven Subbiah  Hunthrike S. Shetty
Affiliation:(1) Department of Studies in Applied Botany and Biotechnology, University of Mysore, Manasagangotri, 570 006 Mysore, Karnataka, India;(2) PhytoMyco Research Private Limited, KIADB Industrial Area, 571 302 Nanjangud, Karnataka, India
Summary Fungal endophytes reside in healthy tissues of all terrestrial plant taxa studied to date and are diverse and abundant in tropical woody angiosperms. Endophytic fungi were isolated from Terminalia arjuna, an important ethno pharmacological plant extensively used in ayurvedic medicines to treat heart ailments. Isolations were made from symptomless fresh inner bark as well as twig samples of five plants collected from three locations of riparian vegetation during two seasons (monsoon and winter) of 2003 and 2004. Two hundred and seventy eight isolates, representing 22 genera, were obtained from both seasons. Monsoon seasonal isolations representing 22 genera showed greater diversity. Coelomycetes were more numerous during the winter season than hyphomycetes and ascomycetes. Among the endophytes, the genus Pestalotiopsis dominated the endophyte assemblage of T. arjuna collected from different locations, dominance was greater during the winter season than the monsoon season. Endophytic colonization frequency was greater in inner bark (18.5%) than twigs (4.6%). The genera Pestalotiopsis (54.5%), Chaetomium (10.5%) and Myrothecium (9%) were the most predominant endophytes. Rarefaction indices indicated the highest expected number of species for bark samples, monsoon isolations and location 1 (Mysore).
Keywords:Bark  endophytic fungi  medicinal plant  Terminalia arjuna  twig
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