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Oligomerization of the voltage-gated proton channel
Authors:Boris Musset  Susan ME Smith  Sindhu Rajan  Vladimir V Cherny  Deri Morgan  Thomas E DeCoursey
Affiliation:1.Department of Molecular Biophysics and Physiology; Rush University Medical Center; Chicago, IL USA;3.Department of Medicine; University of Chicago; Chicago, IL USA;2.Department of Pathology; Emory School of Medicine; Atlanta, GA USA
The voltage-gated proton channel exists as a dimer, although each protomer has a separate conduction pathway, and when forced to exist as a monomer, most major functions are retained. However, the proton channel protomers appear to interact during gating. Proton channel dimerization is thought to result mainly from coiled-coil interaction of the intracellular C-termini. Several types of evidence are discussed that suggest that the dimer conformation may not be static, but is dynamic and can sample different orientations. Zn2+ appears to link the protomers in an orientation from which the channel(s) cannot open. A tandem WT-WT dimer exhibits signs of cooperative gating, indicating that despite the abnormal linkage, the correct orientation for opening can occur. We propose that C-terminal interaction functions mainly to tether the protomers together. Comparison of the properties of monomeric and dimeric proton channels speaks against the hypothesis that enhanced gating reflects monomer-dimer interconversion.Key words: voltage-gated proton channels, voltage gating, voltage-sensing domains, phagocytes, coiled-coil, oligomerization, proton currents, pH, dimerization, C-terminus
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