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Temperature-metabolism relations in the cotton-top tamarin (Saguinus oedipus) model for ulcerative colitis
Authors:M.J. Stonerook,H.S. Weiss,M.A. Rodriguez-M,J.V. Rodrí  guez-M,J.I. Hern  ndez-C,O.C. Peck,J.D. Wood
Affiliation:M.J. Stonerook,H.S. Weiss,M.A. Rodriguez-M,J.V. Rodríguez-M,J.I. Hernández-C,O.C. Peck,J.D. Wood
Abstract:Examination of temperature-metabolism relations found no significant differences between thermoregulation of temperature housed laboratory cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus) and wild tamarins in Colombia, S.A. The results indicate that tamarins do not acclimate to a temperate environment and are metabolically stressed at Ta less than 32°C. This is consistent with an hypothesis of chronic metabolic stress as a factor in the etiology of cotton-top tamarin colitis, which is restricted to captive populations and not found in wild tamarins.
Keywords:thermoregulation  acclimation  Callitrichidae
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