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Sinusoidal profiles of lactate dehydrogenase activity in rat liver
Authors:S. Ebert  R. Hildebrand  I. Haubitz
Affiliation:(1) Anatomisches Institut, Universität zu Köln, Joseph-Stelzmann-Strasse 9, D-5000 Köln 41, Germany;(2) Rechenzentrum, Universität Würzburg, Am Hubland, D-8700 Würzburg, Germany
Abstract:Summary Lactate dehydrogenase activities were measured along two sinusoidal paths (1) between small portal tracts and central veins and (2) between regions of adjoining septal branches and central veins in the livers of male Wistar rats, using a Lowry technique. The established profiles of enzyme activity provide further support of functional heterogeneity of liver sinusoids and their abutting hepatocytes related to morphological differences of the sinusoidal bed. Within the hepatocytes a pronounced heterogeneity in enzyme activity was recorded surrounding small portal tracts and central veins. The lowest values of activity were determined in those cells located in close proximity to the vessels, which emphasizes their exceptional morphological and functional position.Supported by grants of the Forschungsförderung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, No. 40002585 and the Verein der Freunde und Förderer der Universität KölnDedicated to Professor Dr. Dietrich Eichner on the occasion of his 65th birthday
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