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引用本文:冯世鑫,莫长明,唐 其,潘丽梅,白隆华,马小军. 枯草芽孢杆菌肥在罗汉果上应用的效应分析[J]. 广西植物, 2015, 35(6): 807-811
作者姓名:冯世鑫  莫长明  唐 其  潘丽梅  白隆华  马小军
作者单位:1. 广西药用植物园, 南宁 530023; 2. 中国医学科学院 药用植物研究所, 北京100093
基金项目:收稿日期: 2014-12-05修回日期: 2015-03-27
基金项目: 国家“十二五”科技支撑计划项目(2011BA101B03); 广西农业科技成果转化项目(桂科转1123013-12); 广西自然科学基金(2012jjAA30044); 广西重大专项计划项目(桂科重1298001-2-2)。
作者简介: 冯世鑫(1966-),男(壮族),广西横县人,副研究员,从事药用植物繁育与栽培研究,(E-mail)shixin1996@126.com。*通讯作者: 马小军,博士,研究员,研究方向为药用植物生物技术,(E-mail)xjma@public.bta.net.cn。
摘    要:以罗汉果永青2号品种为材料,在连作6 a罗汉果的地块上,用地膜覆盖和区间隔离的方法,施入不同浓度的枯草芽孢杆菌肥,观察土壤微生物数量、罗汉果叶绿素量、白绢病发生率、产量及皂苷Ⅴ的变化,研究枯草芽孢杆菌肥对多年种植罗汉果地块的土壤微生物,植株生长和品质的影响。结果表明:枯草芽孢杆菌肥明显提高0~20 cm土壤微生物的数量,尤其是细菌数量和放线菌明显高于对照;而引发植株发病的真菌数量显著减少,最多能减少13.8%。提高罗汉果植株叶片叶绿素含量,促进叶绿素a、叶绿素b的形成,有利光合作用积累,同时,能增加叶绿素c含量,提高植株抗逆性;能抑制或降低白绢病病菌感染,减少白绢病发生。罗汉果果实产量得到明显提高,最大提高17.5%,同时,大中果比率提高7.5%,优化了罗汉果商品的物理性状;能改善罗汉果品质,提高其内含物的含量,果实中的主效成份皂苷Ⅴ含量达到1.33%,显著高于对照。该研究结果为罗汉果产区使用枯草芽孢杆菌肥连续种植罗汉果提供了依据。

关 键 词:罗汉果   枯草芽孢杆菌   土壤微生物数量   产量   品质

Effects of the bio-fertilizer of Bacillus subtilis on the application of Siraitia grosvenorii
FENG Shi-Xin,MO Chang-Ming,TANG Qi,PAN Li-Mei,BAI Long-Hu,MA Xiao-Jun. Effects of the bio-fertilizer of Bacillus subtilis on the application of Siraitia grosvenorii[J]. Guihaia, 2015, 35(6): 807-811
Authors:FENG Shi-Xin  MO Chang-Ming  TANG Qi  PAN Li-Mei  BAI Long-Hu  MA Xiao-Jun
Affiliation:1. Guangxi Branch Garden of Medicinal Plant, Nanning 530023, China; 2. Institute of Medicinal Plant Development, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100093, China
Abstract:To explore the effects of bio-fertilizer of Bacillus subtilis on its soil microbial growth and quality, we investigated the soil microbial number, chlorophyll content, incidence of southern blight, production and the change of mogroside V in the fruits after treating in different concertrations of bio-fertilizer of B. subtilis, in six years of continuous cropping fields, With film-mulching and zone-isolation methods, using Siraitia grosvenorii Yongqing-2 varieties as an experimental materials. The results showed that microbial number significantly improved in the soil below 0-20 cm of the surface after applying the bio-fertilizer of Bacillus subtilis. The number of bacteria and actinomycetes significantly increased, while Fungi that caused plant disease significantly reduced to 86.2. Chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b synthesis was promoted and the accumulation of photosynthesis products increased, while the content of chlorophyll c increased improving plant resistance. The ratio of southern blight decreased while fruit production increased by 17.5%. Fruit level increased up to 7.5% improving for better sale. The inherent quality sublimated that main-effect components mogrosides V reached 1.33%. This would provide evidence that Siraitia grosvenorii growing areas can use bio-fertilizer of Bacillus subtilis to increase the yield and quality.
Keywords:Siraitia grosvenorii   Bacillus subtilis fertilizer   soil microbial   yield   quality
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