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Effect of 2,4-dinitrophenol on the hypometabolic response to hypoxia of conscious adult rats
Authors:Saiki, Chikako   Mortola, Jacopo P.
Saiki, Chikako, and Jacopo P. Mortola. Effect of2,4-dinitrophenol on the hypometabolic response to hypoxia of conscious adult rats. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(2):537-542, 1997.---During acute hypoxia, a hypometabolic response iscommonly observed in many newborn and adult mammalian species. Wehypothesized that, if hypoxic hypometabolism were entirely a regulatedresponse with no limitation in O2availability, pharmacological uncoupling of the oxidativephosphorylation should raise O2consumption(VO2) bysimilar amounts in hypoxia and normoxia. Metabolic, ventilatory, andcardiovascular measurements were collected from conscious rats in airand in hypoxia, both before and after intravenous injection of themitochondrial uncoupler 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP). In hypoxia (10%O2 breathing, 60% arterialO2 saturation),VO2, as measured by anopen-flow technique, was less than in normoxia (~80%). SuccessiveDNP injections (6 mg/kg, 4 times) progressively increasedVO2 in both normoxia andhypoxia by similar amounts. Body temperature slightly increased innormoxia, whereas it did not change in hypoxia. The DNP-stimulatedVO2 during hypoxia couldeven exceed the control normoxic value. A single DNP injection (17 mg/kg iv) had a similar metabolic effect; it also resulted inhypotension and a drop in systemic vascular resistance. We concludethat pharmacological stimulation ofVO2 counteracts theVO2 drop determined byhypoxia and stimulates VO2not dissimilarly from normoxia. Hypoxic hypometabolism is likely toreflect a regulated process of depression of thermogenesis, with nolimitation in cellular O2availability.

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