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Modulation of gluconeogenesis by epinephrine in hepatocytes isolated from genetically obese (fa/fa) Zucker rats
Authors:Sánchez-Gutiérrez J C  Sánchez-Arias J A  Samper B  Felíu J E
Affiliation:Facultad de Medicina and Servicio de Endocrinología Experimental, Hospital Universitario Clínica Puerta de Hierro, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Arzobispo Morcillo, 4, Madrid, 28029, Spain.
Abstract:The obese (fa/fa) Zucker rat shows an impaired sympathetic tone which is accompanied by an altered thermogenesis and changes in both lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. In this work, we have investigated the regulatory effects of epinephrine on the rate of gluconeogenesis from a mixture of [(14)C]lactate/pyruvate, in hepatocytes isolated from obese (fa/fa) rats and their lean (Fa/-) littermates. Epinephrine caused a dose-dependent stimulation of the rate of [(14)C]glucose formation in both obese and lean rat hepatocytes, the maximal rates being five- and twofold higher than the corresponding basal values (0.50 +/- 0.06 and 1.96 +/- 0.15 micromol of lactate converted to glucose/g of cell x 20 min, respectively). No significant differences were found between the calculated half-maximal effective concentrations (EC(50)) for epinephrine in obese and lean rat liver cells. The stimulation of gluconeogenesis by epinephrine was accompanied by a decrease in the cellular concentration of fructose 2,6-bisphosphate, and an inactivation of both pyruvate kinase and 6-phosphofructo 2-kinase, to similar extents in both types of hepatocytes. Epinephrine also significantly raised the hepatocyte content of cyclic AMP, with about a twofold increase at a saturating concentration of the catecholamine (1 microM), in both lean and obese rat liver cells. However, at suboptimal concentrations of epinephrine, the rise in cyclic AMP levels was significantly less marked in obese than in lean rat hepatocytes. Nevertheless, no significant differences were found in either the affinity or the number of beta-adrenergic receptors, in radioligand binding studies carried out in liver plasma membranes obtained from obese and lean Zucker rats. In conclusion, compared to the corresponding basal values, the response of gluconeogenesis from lactate to the stimulatory effect of epinephrine is higher in obese (fa/fa) than in lean (Fa/-) Zucker rat hepatocytes, with no significant differences in the calculated EC(50) values for this hormone. This occurs in spite of an apparent decreased sensitivity of the adenylate cyclase system to the stimulatory effect of epinephrine in obese rat liver cells.
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