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Differences in reactivity of antibodies to active versus inactive PLTP significantly impacts PLTP measurement
Authors:Murdoch Susan J  Wolfbauer Gertrud  Kennedy Hal  Marcovina Santica M  Carr Molly C  Albers John J
Affiliation:Northwest Lipid Research Laboratories, Department of Medicine, Division of Metabolism, Endocrinology, and Nutrition, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98103, USA.
Abstract:Due to conflicting reports concerning the relationship between phospholipid transfer protein (PLTP) activity and mass in plasma, the protein concentration and activity of PLTP were assessed in fractions isolated by fast protein liquid chromatography from the plasma of healthy normolipidemic individuals. Using both polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies, PLTP was identified by Western blot analysis after both SDS and non-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, and quantitated by dot blot. PLTP activity was determined using a labeled vesicle/HDL assay. PLTP mass corresponded substantially with the activity distribution using the polyclonal antibody on dot blot with some inactive PLTP being present. However, the monoclonal antibody preferentially reacted with inactive PLTP, primarily associated with LDL and large HDL, overestimating inactive PLTP. Western blot analysis of non-denaturing gradient gels, using the polyclonal antibody, indicated that active PLTP was associated with numerous discrete HDL subpopulations (7.6-12.0 nm) with the major portion being 9-12 nm. Inactive PLTP was associated with particles of 12 to >17 nm. The monoclonal antibody demonstrated a different pattern of reactivity on gradient gels, showing strong reactivity with the inactive PLTP in particles of 12 to >17 nm, but less reactivity with particles of 7.6-12 nm. The differences in reactivities of antibodies for active versus inactive PLTP can account for some of the discrepancies reported in the literature regarding the relationship between PLTP mass and activity.
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