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Organization of the photosynthetic apparatus of the chlorina-f2 mutant of barley using chlorophyll fluorescence decay kinetics
Authors:Kerry K. Karukstis  Kenneth Sauer
Affiliation:Department of Chemistry and Laboratory of Chemical Biodynamics, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California Berkeley, CA 94720 U.S.A.
Abstract:The time-resolved chlorophyll fluorescence emission of higher plant chloroplasts monitors the primary processes of photosynthesis and reflects photosynthetic membrane organization. In the present study we compare measurements of the chlorophyll fluorescence decay kinetics of the chlorophyll-b-less chlorina-f2 barley mutant and wild-type barley to investigate the effect of alterations in thylakoid membrane composition on chlorophyll fluorescence. Our analysis characterizes the fluorescence decay of chlorina-f2 barley chloroplasts by three exponential components with lifetimes of approx. 100 ps, 400 ps and 2 ns. The majority of the chlorophyll fluorescence originates in the two faster decay components. Although photo-induced and cation-induced effects on fluorescence yields are evident, the fluorescence lifetimes are independent of the state of the Photosystem-II reaction centers and the degree of grana stacking. Wild-type barley chloroplasts also exhibit three kinetic fluorescence components, but they are distinguished from those of the chlorina-f2 chloroplasts by a slow decay component which displays cation- and photo-induced yield and lifetime changes. A comparison is presented of the kinetic analysis of the chlorina-f2 barley fluorescence to the decay kinetics previously measured for intermittent-light-grown peas (Karukstis, K. and Sauer, K. (1983) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 725, 384–393). We propose that similarities in the fluorescence decay kinetics of both species are a consequence of analogous rearrangements of the thylakoid membrane organization due to the deficiencies present in the light-harvesting chlorophyll ab complex.
Keywords:Chlorophyll fluorescence  Kinetics  Photosystem II  Chloroplast  Thylakoid membrane  Fluorescence decay  (Barley chloroplast)  PS I, II  Photosystem I, II  DCMU  3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea  Chl  chlorophyll  Hepes  4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid
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