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Colligative and non-colligative freezing damage to thylakoid membranes
Authors:Dirk K. Hincha  Jutta E. Schmidt  Ulrich Heber  Jürgen M. Schmitt
Affiliation:Botanisches Institut der Universität, Universität Würzburg, Mittlerer Dallenbergweg 64, D-87 Würzburg F.R.G.
When spinach thylakoid membranes were frozen in vitro in solutions containing constant molar ratios of cryotoxic to cryoprotective solute, maintenance of functional integrity strongly depended on initial osmolarities. Optimum cryopreservation of cyclic photophosphorylation was observed when the membranes were suspended in solutions of intermediate osmolarities (approx. 50–100 mM NaCl, 75–150 mM sucrose). Both higher and lower initial osmolarities were found to result in decreased cryopreservation. In the absence of added salt, more than 100 mM sucrose were needed for full cryopreservation of the membranes. When thylakoids were frozen in solutions containing low concentrations of NaCl (2 mM), the ratio of sucrose to salt necessary to give full protection was high (up to 50). When the salt concentration was about 60 mM, ratios as low as 1.5 were sufficient for maintaining membrane integrity. This ratio increased again, as the initial NaCl concentration was increased beyond 60 mM. During freezing, proteins dissociated from the membranes, and the amount of the released proteins was correlated linearly with inactivation of photophosphorylation. The gel electrophoretic pattern of proteins released at low initial osmolarities differed from that of proteins released at high initial osmolarities. Cryopreservation was also found to depend on membrane concentration. Concentrated membrane suspensions suffered less inactivation than dilute suspensions. The protective effect of high membrane concentrations was particularly pronounced at high initial solute concentrations. It is proposed that damage at low initial osmolarities is caused predominantly by mechanical stress and by osmotic contraction/expansion. Damage at high initial osmolarities is thought to be caused mainly by solute effects. Under these conditions, both the final volume of the unfrozen solution in coexistence with ice and the membrane concentration affect membrane survival by influencing the extent of the loss of membrane components through dissociation reactions. Membrane protection by sugars is caused by colligative action under these circumstances.
Keywords:Freezing injury  Membrane protein  Colligative theory  Cryoprotection  (Spinach thylakoid)
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