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FluG affects secretion in colonies of Aspergillus niger
Authors:Fengfeng Wang  Pauline Krijgsheld  Marc Hulsman  Charissa de Bekker  Wally H. Müller  Marcel Reinders  Ronald P. de Vries  Han A. B. Wösten
Affiliation:1. Microbiology and Kluyver Centre for Genomics of Industrial Fermentation, Utrecht University, Padualaan 8, 3584 CH, Utrecht, The Netherlands
2. Delft Bioinformatics Lab and Kluyver Centre for Genomics of Industrial Fermentation, Department of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science, Delft University of Technology, Mekelweg 4, 2628 CD, Delft, The Netherlands
3. Biomolecular Imaging, Utrecht University, Padualaan 8, 3584 CH, Utrecht, The Netherlands
4. CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre, Uppsalalaan 8, 3584 CT, Utrecht, The Netherlands
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