(1) Varian Inc., Surrey, KT12 2QF, U.K;(2) Protein Engineering Network Centers of Excellence and Departments of Medical Genetics, Biochemistry and Chemistry, The University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5S 1A8
A triple resonance NMR experiment is presented for the simultaneous recording of HNCA and HNCO data sets on 15N, natural abundance 13C samples. The experiment exploits the fact that transfers of magnetization from 15N to 13CO and from 15N to 13C (and back) proceed independently for samples that are not enriched in 13C. A factor of 2 in measuring time is gained by recording the two data sets simultaneously with no compromise in spectral quality. An application to a 0.5 mM 15N labeled sample of protein-L is presented with all expected correlations observed in spectra recorded with a cryogenic probe at 500 MHz.