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Detection of induced enzyme secretion from neutrophilic granulocytes in the human--a marker of cell activation
Authors:R von Baehr  M Timm
Abstract:A simple, effective method with an objective analysis for the detection of induced, i.e. not cytotoxic release of enzymes from human neutrophils (PMN) is described. As marker enzyme for lysosomes we determined lysozyme activity and as indicator of cell damage the lactatdehydrogenase activity. The PMN were isolated from peripheral blood. Latex-, zymosan particles and inactivated mycobacteria for phagocytosis model, and heat aggregated human IgG and surface-bounded immune complexes for the Fc-receptor-mediated activation were used as stimulators of enzyme secretion. With these substances we could show an increase of secretion referring to unaffected control in all tested probands. The spontaneous and also the induced secretion are influenced by strong individual variations. It is accentuated, that also without influence of cytochalasin B this process is representable and that this is the supposition to carry out functional tests with PMN under extensively physiological conditions.
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