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引用本文:周鸿凯,郭建夫,黎华寿,吴钿,张建中. 光温因子与杂交水稻生态群体的产量和品质性状的典型相关分析[J]. 应用生态学报, 2006, 17(4): 663-667
作者姓名:周鸿凯  郭建夫  黎华寿  吴钿  张建中
作者单位:1. 广东海洋大学农学院,湛江,524088;华南农业大学热带亚热带生态研究所,广州,510642
2. 广东海洋大学农学院,湛江,524088
3. 华南农业大学热带亚热带生态研究所,广州,510642
摘    要:以54个杂交水稻组合的F1生态群体为材料,应用典型相关分析方法分析了光温因子与杂交水稻的产量和品质性状的典型相关性.结果表明,光温因子与杂交水稻的产量构成因素、产量性状和品质性状间均有显著典型相关关系,尤其是营养生长期的光温因子与产量性状的第一典型相关系数为λ1=0.9975**,其相关信息占两组性状间总相关信息的99.96%,引起的产量变异为99.50%;光温因子主要通过对每穗实粒数、每穗总粒数和结实率的作用而影响杂交水稻的产量;不同生育期起主导作用的光温因子并不相同,营养生长期为积温和有效积温,生殖生长期为极端温差和日照时数;光温因子对杂交水稻品质性状的精米率和整精米率影响明显;不同生育期影响品质性状的主导光温因子不同,灌浆期前是积温,之后是极端温差和日照时数.

关 键 词:光温因子  杂交水稻  产量性状  品质性状  典型相关分析

Canonical correlations of light and temperature with yield and quality characters of F1 ecological populations of hybrid rice
ZHOU Hongkai,GUO Jianfu,LI Huashou,WU Tian,ZHANG Jianzhong. Canonical correlations of light and temperature with yield and quality characters of F1 ecological populations of hybrid rice[J]. The journal of applied ecology, 2006, 17(4): 663-667
Authors:ZHOU Hongkai  GUO Jianfu  LI Huashou  WU Tian  ZHANG Jianzhong
Affiliation:1 College of Agronomy, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang 524088, China ; 2.Institute of Tropical and Subtropical Ecology, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China
Abstract:In this paper, field experiment was conducted to analysis the canonical correlations of light and temperature with the yield and quality characters of F1 ecological populations of 54 hybrid rice breeds. The results showed that the yield and quality characters of the populations were significantly correlated with the accumulated temperature, effective accumulated temperature, extreme temperature difference, and sunshine length through the growth period of hybrid rice. The first canonical correlation coefficient (lambda1) between the light and temperature during vegetative growth stage and the yield characters was 0.9975, with the canonical information accounted for 99.96% of the total canonical information, leading to 99.50% of yield variation. Light and temperature affected the yield of hybrid rice mainly through their effects on the total and effective numbers of grains' spikelet and its fertility. In this aspect, accumulated and effective accumulated temperature played a determinative role during vegetative growth stage, while extreme temperature difference and sunshine length were the key factors during reproductive growth stage. As for the quality characters of hybrid rice, light and temperature mainly affected the percentage of polished to head rice, and in this aspect, accumulated and effective accumulated temperature played a determinative role before filling stage, while extreme temperature difference and sunshine length were the key factors after this
Keywords:Light and temperature factors  Hybrid rice  Yield characters  Quality characters  Canonical correlation analysis(CCA).
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