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Dissection and Mounting of Drosophila Pupal Eye Discs
Authors:Joy S Tea  Albert Cespedes  Daniel Dawson  Utpal Banerjee  Gerald B Call
Institution:1.Department of Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology (MCDB), University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA);2.Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine (AZCOM), Midwestern University;3.MCDB, Broad Stem Cell Research Center, UCLA
Abstract:The Drosophila melanogaster eye disc is a powerful system that can be used to study many different biological processes. It contains approximately 800 separate eye units, termed ommatidia1. Each ommatidium contains eight neuronal photoreceptors that develop from undifferentiated cells following the passage of the morphogenetic furrow in the third larval instar2. Following the sequential differentiation of the photoreceptors, non-neuronal cells develop, including cone and pigment cells, along with mechanosensory bristle cells3. Final differentiation processes, including the structured arrangement of all the ommatidial cell types, programmed cell death of undifferentiated cell types and rhodopsin expression, occurs through the pupal phase4-7. This technique focuses on manipulating the pupal eye disc, providing insight and instruction on how to dissect the eye disc during the pupal phase, which is inherently more difficult to perform than the commonly dissected third instar eye disc. This technique also provides details on immunostaining to allow the visualization of various proteins and other cell components.
Keywords:Developmental Biology  Issue 93  Drosophila  Eye disc  Dissection  Mounting  Pupa  Developmental Biology  photoreceptor  imaginal disc  immunostaining
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