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Amblyospora trinus N. sp. (Microsporida: Amblyosporidae) in the Australian mosquito Culex halifaxi (Diptera: Culicidae)
Authors:J J Becnel  A W Sweeney
Affiliation:United States Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service, Gainesville, Florida 32604.
Abstract:A new species of Amblyospora, a parasite found in wild populations of the predacious Australian mosquito Culex halifaxi, was investigated with light and electron microscopy. This species was found to be heterosporous with two concurrent sporulation sequences in the host larvae, both arising from diplokaryotic meronts and ending with haploid spores. One sequence was dominant and involved meiosis to produce eight thick-walled, broadly oval meiospores in a sporophorous vesicle (SV). The other sequence involved nuclear dissociation to produce lanceolate, thin-walled spores in a subpersistent SV. Horizontal transmission to the mosquito host, by one or both of two distinctly different pathways (one via an intermediate host, the other by cannibalism of infected individuals) and by vertical transmission, are postulated but have not been demonstrated. A new species, Amblyospora trinus, is proposed and its affinities to other heterosporous microsporidia in mosquitoes are discussed.
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