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Determination of haloperidol and its reduced metabolite in human plasma by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry with electrospray ionization
Authors:H. Hoja,P. Marquet ,B. Verneuil,H. Lotfi,J.L. Dupuy,B. Pé  nicaut,G. Lachâ  tre
Affiliation:H. Hoja, P. Marquet, B. Verneuil, H. Lotfi, J. L. Dupuy, B. Pénicaut,G. Lachâtre,
Abstract:A sensitive and accurate liquid chromatographic-electrospray mass spectrometric (LC-ES-MS) method for the determination of haloperidol (H) and reduced haloperidol (RH) in human plasma is presented, using chlorohaloperidol as the internal standard. A 2-ml volume of plasma subjected to basic (NaOH) extraction, acid (HCl) back-extraction, acid wash and basic (NaOH) re-extraction. The extraction solvent was hexane-isoamyl alcohol (99:1, v/v) for the whole procedure. A Nucleosil C18 column (150×1 mm) was used for high-performacne liquid chromatography, together with 2 mM HCOONH4-acetonitrile (55:45, v/v; pH 3.0) as the mobile phase. For each drug, four characteristic ions were monitored. Linearity was assessed in the ranges 0.1–50 and 0.25–50 ng/ml for H and RH, respectively. Recoveries were 58 and 70% and detection limits were 0.075 and 0.100 ng/ml for H and RH, respectively. Correlation coefficients were better than 0.999 for both compounds. R.S.D.s for repeatability and reproducibility at 0.25 ng/ml were 11.1 and 8.5% for H and 9.4 and 11.2% for RH, respectively. One of the main advantages of (LC-ES-MS) over other detection systems is the increase in selectivity obtained by monitoring three ions of confirmation for each of the drugs.
Keywords:Haloperidol   Reduced haloperidol
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