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Detection of bladder cancer by multitarget multicolour FISH: comparative analysis on archival cytology and paraffin-embedded tissue
Authors:A. Mezzelani,G. Dagrada,L. Alasio,G. Sozzi&dagger  , S. Pilotti
Affiliation:Department of Pathology, Istituto Nazionale per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori, Milan, Italy.
Abstract:Detection of bladder cancer by multitarget multicolour FISH: comparative analysis on archival cytology and paraffin-embedded tissue We have evaluated the possibility of using the same specimen for both cytological diagnosis and multitarget multicolour FISH (MtMcFISH) analysis in order to determine whether the routinely processed specimens used for diagnosis were also suitable for this ancillary procedure. For this purpose 18 positive samples (11 voided urine and seven bladder washings) were selected, together with a representative section of the corresponding immediately previous or subsequent histological specimens. Two negative cytology slides were added as negative controls. FISH analysis revealed a normal pattern for each probe in the two negative controls and an abnormal pattern in the 18 positive cases. In the latter the same FISH alterations were found in the cytology samples and in the corresponding histological sections, and superimposable cytological/histological features were observed in two cases where two different histology samples were analyzed. The results clearly show that MtMcFISH may be successfully applied to destained routinely processed cytology slides.
Keywords:MtMcFISH    fluorescence in situ hybridization    voided urine    bladder washing    bladder cancer    cytology
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