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Computer-based image analysis for the automated counting and morphological description of microalgae in culture
Authors:Lewis M. Brown  Irene Gargantini  D. James Brown  Harvey J. Atkinson  J. Govindarajan  Gregory C. Vanlerberghe
Affiliation:1. Department of Plant Sciences, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, N6A 5B7, Canada
3. Department of Computer Science, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, N6A 5B7, Canada
4. Department of Computing and Communications Services, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, N6A 5B7, Canada
A largely unexplored area is the application of digital image processing to counting and sizing of microalgal cells from culture. Commercial systems are available, but have not been tested, nor necessarily optimized for high speed counting and sizing of phytoplankton. The present work describes the design, construction, specifications and comparative performance of an inexpensive system optimized for counting and sizing microalgal cells. This system has been tested with cells of the picoplankton to nanoplankton size ranges (1–20 μm). The hardware was a widely available standard microcomputer, an inexpensive video camera and monitor, and a video digitization board (frame grabber). A modifiable menu-driven program (PHYCOUNT) was written and provisions made to make this program available to other workers. The program is constructed such that it can be adapted to a variety of hardware setups Video digitization boards). Comparison of growth curves for microagae revealed there were no significant differences in division rate and cell yield as assessed by the image analysis method compared to manual counts with a hemacytometer. Several hundred cells were counted routinely within 10–15 s, far exceeding the counting rate achieved by hand tally. A variable transect feature allowed sampling every nth pixel and provided a substantial increase in execution speed. More than 1000 counts can be done per day. A protocol for the use of 96-well plates of polyvinyl chloride as counting chambers contributed to the processing of large numbers of samples rapidly. Other routines developed provided subtended area, defined the coordinates of cell perimeter, and derived cell length and width. The calculation of the latter two parameters was usually done off-line as data output is in standard numerical form accessible by other programs. Experience with daily use of the PHYCOUNT program and imaging hardware reveal that the system is reliable for cell counting and sizing. The presence of bacteria in the algal cultures does not affect cell counting or sizing.
Keywords:algal culture  cell counting  growth rate measurements  image analysis  microcomputer  morphology  video microscopy
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