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Procedures for the axenic isolation of conchocelis and monospores from the red seaweed Porphyra yezoensis
Authors:Jae-Suk Choi  Ji-Young Cho  Long-Guo Jin  Hyung-Joo Jin  Yong-Ki Hong
Affiliation:(1) Department of Biotechnology, Pukyong National University, Namku, 608-737, Korea
Abstract:In order to maintain axenic seedstock cultures axenically of thecommercially important red seaweed, Porphyra yezoensis, aprocedure was developed for axenic isolation and culture of conchocelis andmonospores. For axenic isolation of the conchocelis, contaminated microalgaewere most effectively removed by filtering contaminated samples through a100-mgrm mesh after sonication. Removal of bacteria and otheralgaewas accomplished using a mixture of 5 agents (0.02% chitosan, 100 mgrgml–1 GeO2, 10 mgrgml–1 ampicillin, 40 mgrgml–1 kanamycin and 200 mgrgml–1 streptomycin). Axenic single colonies wereisolatedfrom a semi-solid medium prepared from 1% transfer gel. After collectingmonospores from the 40–50% density layer on a percoll-gradient, removalofbacteria and fungi from the monospores was accomplished using a mixture of 5antibiotics (3.5 mgrg ml–1 nystatin, 2 mgml–1 ampicillin, 400 mgrgml–1 kanamycin, 50 mgrgml–1 neomycin and 800 mgrgml–1 streptomycin). Axenic single juvenile blades wereisolated from a semi-solid medium prepared from 0.5% transfer gel.
Keywords:Antibiotics  Axenic isolation  Conchocelis  Monospore  Percoll  Porphyra yezoensis  Seaweed
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