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引用本文:张杰,张强,赵建华,王胜,赵宏,王静. 作物干旱指标对西北半干旱区春小麦缺水特征的反映[J]. 生态学报, 2008, 28(4): 1646-1654
作者姓名:张杰  张强  赵建华  王胜  赵宏  王静
摘    要:针对作物水分胁迫较为严重的西北半干旱区,应用CI301-PS光合作用仪对春小麦开花到乳熟期间的生理特征和环境因子进行了近1个月的观测, 并研究分析了3种作物干旱指标叶水势、作物水分胁迫指数以及气孔导度随时间变化和对气象因子的响应.发现干旱胁迫增加时,叶片水分减少,作物水分胁迫指数增大,叶水势降低,气孔导度有所减小.因此,气孔下腔的CO2浓度降低,作物净光合速率有所减小,不利于半干旱区小麦生物量的累积;三者相比,叶水势是反应西北半干旱区作物干旱最敏感的指标;受半干旱区逆湿现象的影响,9:00或之后一段时间观测叶水势和气孔导度对小麦等作物缺水状况反映得更客观.

关 键 词:作物水分胁迫指数  气孔导度  叶水势  干旱  蒸腾速率  作物水分胁迫指数  西北半干旱区  指标对  春小麦  缺水状况  生理特征  northwest China  region  water stress  spring wheat  indices  drought  crop  随时间变化  影响  逆湿现象  敏感  反应  小麦生物量  净光合速率

The response of three crop drought indices to spring wheat water stress over semi-arid region in northwest China
ZHANG Jie,ZHANG Qiang,ZHAO Jianhu,WANG Sheng,ZHAO Hong and WANG Jing. The response of three crop drought indices to spring wheat water stress over semi-arid region in northwest China[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2008, 28(4): 1646-1654
Authors:ZHANG Jie  ZHANG Qiang  ZHAO Jianhu  WANG Sheng  ZHAO Hong  WANG Jing
Affiliation:Key Laboratory of Arid Climatic Changing and Reducing Disaster of Gansu Province, Key Open Laboratory of Arid Climatic Changing and Disaster Reduction of CMA. Institute of Arid Meteorology, China Meteorological Administration, Lanzhou 730020, China;Key Laboratory of Arid Climatic Changing and Reducing Disaster of Gansu Province, Key Open Laboratory of Arid Climatic Changing and Disaster Reduction of CMA. Institute of Arid Meteorology, China Meteorological Administration, Lanzhou 730020, China;Key Laboratory of Arid Climatic Changing and Reducing Disaster of Gansu Province, Key Open Laboratory of Arid Climatic Changing and Disaster Reduction of CMA. Institute of Arid Meteorology, China Meteorological Administration, Lanzhou 730020, China;Key Laboratory of Arid Climatic Changing and Reducing Disaster of Gansu Province, Key Open Laboratory of Arid Climatic Changing and Disaster Reduction of CMA. Institute of Arid Meteorology, China Meteorological Administration, Lanzhou 730020, China;Key Laboratory of Arid Climatic Changing and Reducing Disaster of Gansu Province, Key Open Laboratory of Arid Climatic Changing and Disaster Reduction of CMA. Institute of Arid Meteorology, China Meteorological Administration, Lanzhou 730020, China;Key Laboratory of Arid Climatic Changing and Reducing Disaster of Gansu Province, Key Open Laboratory of Arid Climatic Changing and Disaster Reduction of CMA. Institute of Arid Meteorology, China Meteorological Administration, Lanzhou 730020, China
Keywords:crop water stress index   stomatic conduction   leaf water potential   drought    transpiration rate
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