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Plastic response changes in neurons from lateral geniculate body in rats submitted to conditional reflectory stimulation]
Authors:H Davidowa  H J Gabriel  A Nicolai  W Rüdiger
Abstract:In alert curarized rats the influence of an electric stimulation of the tail skin on the flash-evoked activity of single units of the dorsal part of the lateral geniculate body (CGLd) was investigated. The light flashes were applied 400 msec prior to the electric shocks. 50% of the units showed a change of the response pattern to flash. In the majority of cases the response shifts consisted in a facilitation, which developed gradually and persisted in most of the units examined, even when the electrical stimulus was no longer given in combination with the light. The results are discussed taking into consideration the possibility of an altered emotional or motivational status of the animal, which could play a role in the development of plasticity at the unitary level.
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