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Sand smelt (Atherina boyeri) migration within the water system of the Camargue,southern France
Authors:Rosecchi  E.  Crivelli  A. J.
Affiliation:(1) Station Biologique de la Tour du Valat, Le Sambuc, 13200 Arles, France
In the coastal lagoons of Southern France, sand smelt Atherina boyeri, is known as a sedentary species. However part of the sand smelt population living in the brackish water Vaccarès lagoon in the Camargue annually migrates to fresh waters. The movements of sand smelts within the watersystem of the Camargue were studied from 1986 to 1990. Fish traps and fyke nets were set and catches were standardised to Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE). A Stepwise Multiple Correlation analysis was carried out to link fish abundance with various environmental factors. Between September and November, sand smelts living in the Vaccarès start to colonize fresh waters (drainage canals and then temporary marshes), until March. Spawning occurs from April to June, both in the shallow branches of the canal and in the marshes. From June onwards adults and young-of-the year leave the fresh waters and return to the Vaccarès lagoon where they remain until the next migration. This autumnal migration to freshwater habitats involves mainly fish less than 3 years old, the oldest individuals remaining all year in the Vaccarès. Water level and photoperiod contribute to 20.7% of the variation of CPUE within the drainage canal, while date, water temperature, and rainfall combined, only account for 2.5% of CPUE variations. Date and photoperiod contribute significantly to explaining the patterns of fish migrations between the canal and the marshes. The density of mature sand smelt in the marshes before spawning, varies between 4 and 4346 fish ha–1. Fry mortality (against number of eggs spawned) over the first two months of life was assessed to vary between 97.5% and 99.9%. Physiological factors such as osmoregulation linked to water temperature are possibly the ultimate factors explaining these unusual annual migrations of sand smelt in the Camargue.
Keywords:Atherina boyeri  Rhô  ne river delta  migrations  environmental factors  seasonally-flooded freshwater marshes
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