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Correlation of fine needle aspiration biopsy and dynamic contrast-enhanced 3D magnetic resonance imaging of the breast
Authors:Collins B T  Heiberg E M  Perman W H  Herrmann V M
Affiliation:Department of Pathology, Saint Louis University School of Medicine, Missouri, USA. collinbt@slu.edu
OBJECTIVE: To correlate and assess the utility of dynamic contrast-enhanced three-dimensional gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (Gd-3DMRI) and fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) findings in patients with suspected breast disease. STUDY DESIGN: Beginning in 1993, all patients who underwent percutaneous FNAB of the breast and had concurrent Gd-3DMRI evaluation of the breast were selected for this study. Findings for FNAB and Gd-3DMRI were stratified into two categories, positive and negative. Subsequent clinical management decisions, which included surgical intervention and/or clinical follow-up, were recorded for all patients. RESULTS: There were 69 FNABs in 59 patients with corresponding Gd-3DMRI evaluation. A positive result by both FNAB and Gd-3DMRI was found in 15 of 18 malignant cases. FNAB missed one case, and Gd-3DMRI missed two, and each of these was thought to be technical. Combining the methods yielded 100% sensitivity. False positive results on Gd-3DMRI (17 cases) were all confirmed to be benign by FNAB and subsequent tissue evaluation. All 32 cases with combined negative results by FNAB and Gd-3DMRI demonstrated a benign process, yielding a specificity of 100% (32/32). CONCLUSION: Our combined testing modalities showed a high degree of specificity and good sensitivity. FNAB used with dynamic contrast-enhanced Gd-3DMRI can contribute valuable information for physicians treating patients with suspected breast abnormalities.
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