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Cl- Fluxes and Cl- Content of Dunaliella acidophila--An Alga with a Positive Membrane Potential
Abstract:The Cl– fluxes across the plasma membrane and the Cl–content of the acid–resistant alga Dunaliella acidophila(optimal growthat pH 1.0, positive membrane potential) werestudied in the presence of 0.01–300 mM Cl–. Up to40 mM Cl– in the medium, theinternal Cl– concentrationis higher than that predicted by the electrochemical equilibrium,whereas at higher external Cl– concentrations internalCl– levels are lower than expected for the electrochemicalequilibrium. Growth in the absence of Cl– is significantlylower than in the standard growth medium (2.2 mM Cl–)and this reduction cannot be overcome by the addition ofothermonovalent anions such as Br– or NO–3 The latterimplies a specific Cl– requirement in addition to therole of Cl– as apermeant anion during ion translocations.Growth and photosynthesis tolerate an excess of Cl– upto 300 mM (without stepwiseadaptation to increasing salinity).The uptake of Cl– (measured by tracer techniques) exhibitsMichaelis–Menten kinetics (KM = 0.75 mM Cl–) andis stimulated by light and high H+ concentrations. Internalacidification by acetic acid causes an inhibition of Cl–uptake. The uptake of Cl– is inhibited by the monovalentanions Br–, I–, and NO–3 with K1, values notvery much different from the KM. value for Cl–. The aniontransport inhibitors SITS and DIDS do not affect photosynthesis,but strongly suppressthe uptake of Cl–. The Cl–channel blockers A–9–C and NPPB cause inhibitionsof Cl– uptake as well as of photosynthesis andthe ATPpool. FCCP strongly depresses the internal ATP–pool withouta marked effect on Cl– uptake. Cl– efflux was inhibitedbyDIDS and SITS, but stimulated or inhibited by FCCP, dependingon the external Cl– concentration. Results are in agreementwiththe hypothesis that Cl– uptake into D. acidophila is dueto catalysed diffusion and is primarily independent of the hydrolysisofATP. Cl– efflux is assumed to be coupled to an activepump. Data suggest tight co–operativity between the systemsresponsiblefor Cl– uptake and Cl– efflux, with thecytoplasmic pH and the membrane potential being important mediators. Key words: Acid resistance, chloride carrier, chloride channels, Dunaliella acidophila, membrane potential, plasma membrane
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