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Habitat use of arctic charrSalvelinus alpinus in Thingvallavatn,Iceland
Authors:Odd Ter Sandlund  Bror Jonsson  Hilmar J. Malmquist  Rolf Gydemo  Torfinn Lindem  Skúli Skúlason  Sigurdur S. Snorrason  Pétur M. Jónasson
Affiliation:(1) Norwegian Society for Rural Development, P. O. Box 115, N-2013 Skjetten, Norway;(2) Directorate for Nature Management, Fish Research Division, Tungasletta, 2, N-7004, Trondheim, Norway;(3) Freshwater Biological Laboratory, University of Copenhagen, Helsingørsgade, 51, DK-3400, Hillerød, Denmark;(4) Institute of Freshwater Research, S-17011 Drottningholm, Sweden;(5) Institute of Physics, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1054, Blindern, N-0316, Oslo, 3, Norway;(6) Institute of Biology, University of Iceland, Grensdsvegur, 12, 108, Reykjavik, Iceland
Synopsis Habitat use by four morphs of arctic charr,Salvelinus alpinus, was investigated in Thingvallavatn, Iceland, by sampling with pelagic and benthic gill nets. Sampling was done in May/June and August/September. Greatest abundance of fish was recorded in the littoral and epipelagic zone in early autumn. Catches were low in early summer. The four morphs are partly segregated in habitat. Small (SB-) and large benthivorous (LB-) charr have a more restricted spatial distribution than piscivorous (PI-), and especially planktivorous (PL-) charr. Both benthivorous morphs are mainly found in the littoral zone, and occur in largest numbers in stony shallows at depths between 0 and 10 m. PL-charr usually dominates in numbers in all habitats. PI-charr is most abundant in epibenthic habitats, although numbers are always low. All morphs are caught in higher numbers at night than during the day, but the diurnal activity difference is highest among SB-charr. The habitat use by different morphs is as may be expected from their morphology and diets. Within the population of PL-charr, young and small fish are more abundant on the bottom than in the pelagic zone, and there is a surplus of females in the pelagic zone. Along the benthic profile, young, small and immature PL-charr are more abundant in deep than in shallow waters. The results are discussed in relation to food supply, competition and predation. Possible reasons for the occurrence of four arctic charr morphs are also discussed.Contribution from the Thingvallavatn project.
Keywords:Charr morphs  Habitat segregation  Competition  Predation  Trophic specialization
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