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引用本文:黄翡,裴安平. 香港壕涌遗址孢粉、植硅石组合及其环境考古[J]. 微体古生物学报, 2001, 18(4): 398-405
作者姓名:黄翡  裴安平
作者单位:1. 中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所,
2. 湖南省文物考古研究所,
基金项目:国家自然科学基金委特殊学科点人才项目资助(NO.9801 05)
摘    要:
香港壕涌遗址孢粉、植硅石组合表明:自新石器时期以来该遗址周围植被以热带-亚热带蕨类植物为主;草本植物以禾本科、莎草、藜科等主为;在遗址附近的高地及山坡上生长了常绿阔叶林,其成分包括:阿丁枫香属(Altingia)、栲属(Castanopsis )、常绿栎(evergrenn Quercus)、棕榈(Palmae)等;植被面貌是人类活动干扰的结果。新石期时期,遗址受海水影响,人类活动以采集、捕捞为主;唐宋时期,禾本科花粉及典型水稻硅酸体的大量出现,反映了稻作农业的发展及人类生存方式的改变。

关 键 词:孢粉 植硅石组合 环境考古 壕涌遗址 香港

Pollen and phytolith assemblage and archaeological implications in the Hochung site, Hongkong
HUANG Fei. Pollen and phytolith assemblage and archaeological implications in the Hochung site, Hongkong[J]. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 2001, 18(4): 398-405
Authors:HUANG Fei
Pollen and phytolith assemblage in the Hochung site reveal that during the Neolithic, the regional vegetation was characterized by the flourishing of tropical-subtropical ferns; among the herbaceous taxa, Gramineae, Artemisia, Chenopodiaceae, Compositae predominated; the evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved forest occupied locally at the high land and slopy mountain. Pollen and phytolith record provide information about the impact of human activity. Based on the results from the pollen and phytolith analyses, two distinct phases of human activity have recognized, namely 1) phase A (i.e. Neolithic age) fishing and collecting were the main mode of life for peoeple, and the site was influenced by the sea; 2) phase B (i.e. Tang-Song Dynasty) the rapid increase of Gramineae and appearance of Oryza-type bulliform implied the rice was cultivated.
Keywords:Pollen and phytolith assemblage   archaeological implications   Hochung site   Hongkong
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