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Seed Production in Leafless and Conventional Phenotypes of Pisum sativum L. in Relation to Water Availability Within a Controlled Environment
Authors:HARVEY   D. M.
Affiliation:John Innes Institute Colney Lane, Norwich, NR4 7UH
Abstract:Water requirements in relation to seed production was studiedin near-isogenic lines of leafless (afafstst) and conventional(++++) pea plants (Pisum sativum). The plants were grown toseed maturity in pots in a controlled environment under conditionsof high, medium and low irrigation levels. When each genotypewas irrigated independently and on demand and the soil moisturecontent maintained at 65–80 per cent of full capacitythere was no significant phenotypic difference in water useefficiency (WUE), defined as g d. wt seed per kg H2O utilized.There existed genotypically-controlled upper and lower limitsto yield between which the total dry weight of seed per plantcan be determined by water availability. There was no significantdifferential effect of genotype or of irrigation treatment onthe number of pods, number of seed, unit seed dry weight andbiological yield per plant. There was significant interactionon stem length, and leaf area at specified nodes. When the wateractually required in relation to the water available was takeninto account, the leafless phenotype consistently utilized 33–38per cent less water and produced a correspondingly lower totaldry weight of seed than the conventional counterpart. Independentlyof regime the total dry weight seed per phenotype remained anear constant proportion of the above-ground biomass. Pisum sativum L., garden pea, leafless peas, seed production, water availability
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