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Respiration rate in maize roots is related to concentration of reduced nitrogen and proliferation of lateral roots
Authors:Tom C. Granato  C. David Raper  Jr.   Gail G. Wilkerson
Affiliation:Dept of Soil Science, Box 7619, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC 27695-7619, USA;;Dept of Crop Science, Box 7620, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC 27695-7620, USA.
Abstract:The relationship between specific rate of respiration (respiration rate per unit root dry weight) and concentration of reduced nitrogen was examined for maize ( Zea mays L.) roots. Plants with 2 primary nodal root axes were grown for 8 days in a split-root hydroponic system in which NO-3 was supplied to both axes at 1.0 mol m−3, to one axis at 1.0 mol m−3 and the other axis at 0.0 mol m−3 or to both axes at 0.0 mol m−3 Respiration rates and root characteristics were measured at 2-day intervals. Specific rate of respiration was positively correlated in a nonlinear relationship with concentration of reduced nitrogen. The lowest specific rates of respiration occurred when neither axis received exogenous NO−3 and the concentration of reduced nitrogen in the axes was less than 9 mg g−1. The greatest rates occurred in axes that were actively absorbing NO−3 and contained more than 35 mg g−1 of reduced nitrogen. At 23 mg g−1 of reduced nitrogen, below which initiation of lateral branches was decreased by 30–50%. specific rate of respiration was 17% greater for roots actively absorbing NO−3 than for roots not absorbing NO−3 Increases in specific rate of respiration associated with concentrations of reduced nitrogen greater than 23 mg g−1 were concluded to be attributable primarily to proliferation of lateral branches.
Keywords:Maize    nitrogen    nutrition    relative growth rate    respiration    Zea mays
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