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Kinetics and thermodynamics of ethanol production by a thermotolerant mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in a microprocessor-controlled bioreactor
Authors:Rajoka M I  Ferhan M  Khalid A M
Affiliation:Industrial Biotechnology Division, National Institute for Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, Faisalabad, Pakistan. mirajoka@nibge.org
Abstract:AIMS: The present investigation deals with the development of thermotolerant mutant strain of yeast for studying enhanced productivity of ethanol from molasses in a fully controlled bioreactor. METHODS AND RESULTS: The parental culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae ATCC 26602 was mutated using UV treatment. A single thermotolerant mutant was isolated after extensive screening and optimization, and grown on molasses medium in liquid cultures. The mutant was 1.45-fold improved than its wild parent with respect to ethanol productivity (7.2 g l-1 h-1), product yield (0.44 g ethanol g-1 substrate utilized) and specific ethanol yield (19.0 g ethanol g-1 cells). The improved ethanol productivity was directly correlated with titres of intracellular and extracellular invertase activities. The mutant supported higher volumetric and product yield of ethanol, significantly (P
Keywords:enthalpy    entropy    ethanol    kinetics    specific productivity    volumetric productivity
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