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Ethylene and carbon dioxide: regulation of oat mesocotyl growth
Affiliation:Institute of Genetic Ecology, Tohoku University, Katahita, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980, Japan
Abstract:Either ethylene or carbon dioxide stimulated the growth of oat mesocotyls in darkness, although the effect was much greater for carbon dioxide. Maximum elongation was obtained in the presence of both gases. Ethylene also induced lateral expansion of the mesocotyl: the volume of the mesocotyl was increased more in air with added ethylene than in air depleted of ethylene. Ethylene also stimulated mesocotyl growth under red light. Gibberellin only slightly increased mesocotyl length under red light and acted cooperatively with ethylene in the promotion of growth. The oat mesocotyl is a unique organ in terrestrial plants because ethylene simultaneously stimulates not only longitudinal growth but also lateral expansion. The ecological significance of oat mesocotyl growth in relation to the response to ethylene and carbon dioxide is discussed.
Keywords:Avena sativa L.    carbon dioxide    darkness    ethylene    gibberellin    oat mesocotyl    red light
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