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The influence of CO2 enrichment, phosphorus deficiency and water stress on the growth, conductance and water use of Pinus radiata D. Don
Affiliation:School of Biological Sciences, Macquarie University, NSW 2109;Division of Forest Research, GPO Box 4008, Canberra City, ACT 2600;Research School of Biological Sciences GPO Box 475, Canberra City, ACT 2601, Australia
Abstract:Abstract. Seedlings of Pinus radiata D. Don were grown in growth chambers for 22 weeks with two levels of phosphorus, under either well-watered or water-stressed conditions at CO2 concentrations of either 330 or 660mm3 dm?3. Plant growth, water use efficiency and conductance were measured and the relationship between these and needle photosynthetic capacity, water use efficiency and conductance was determined by gas exchange at week 22. Phosphorus deficiency decreased growth and foliar surface area at both CO2concentrations; however, it only reduced the maximum photosynthetic rates of the needles at 660 mm3 CO2 dm?3 (plants grown and measured at the same CO2 concentration). Water stress reduced growth and foliar surface area at both CO2 concentrations. Increases in needle photosynthetic rates appeared to be partly responsible for the increased growth at high CO2 where phosphorus was adequate. This effect was amplified by accompanying increases in needle production. Phosphorus deficiency inhibited these responses because it severely impaired needle photosynthetic function. The relative increase in growth in response to high CO2 was higher in the periodically water-stressed plants. This was not due to the maintenance of cell volume during drought. Plant water use efficiency was increased by CO2 enrichment due to an increase in dry weight rather than a decrease in shoot conductance and, therefore, transpirational water loss. Changes in needle conductance and water use efficiency in response to high CO2 were generally in the same direction as those at the whole plant level. If the atmospheric CO2 level reaches the predicted concentration of 660 mm3 dm?3 by the end of next Century, then the growth of P. radiata will only be increased in areas where phosphorus nutrition is adequate. Growth will be increased in drought-affected regions but total water use is unlikely to be reduced.
Keywords:Pinus radiata    CO2 enrichment    phosphorus deficiency    periodic water stress
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