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Horizontal transfer of nonconjugative plasmids in a colony biofilm of Escherichia coli
Authors:Maeda Sumio  Ito Miki  Ando Tsuyako  Ishimoto Yuko  Fujisawa Yukiko  Takahashi Hitomi  Matsuda Akiko  Sawamura Akiko  Kato Shiho
Affiliation:Faculty of Human Life and Environment, Nara Women's University, Kitauoya-nishi-machi, Nara, Japan. smaeda@cc.nara-wu.ac.jp
Abstract:We tested the possibility of nonconjugative lateral DNA transfer in a colony biofilm of mixed Escherichia coli strains. By simply coculturing a plasmid-free F(-) strain and another F(-) strain harboring a nonconjugative plasmid in a colony biofilm on antibiotic-free agar media, transformed cells were produced within 24-48 h at the frequency of 10(-10)-10(-9) per recipient cell. PCR analysis of the transformed cells demonstrated the occurrence of lateral plasmid transfer. These cells survived until at least day 7 under antibiotic-free conditions. Liquid cultures of the same strains in Luria-Bertani broth produced no or few transformants, suggesting the importance of colony-biofilm formation for plasmid transfer. This is a novel line of evidence indicating that nonconjugative, nonviral horizontal gene transfer can occur between E. coli cells.
Keywords:Escherichia coli    horizontal gene transfer    biofilm    colony    plasmid    transformation
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