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Mapping of the seed storage protein locus Sec-2 in rye
Authors:J. Sybenga  S. Parmar  J. Van Eden  P. Shewry
Affiliation:(1) Department of Genetics, Agricultural University, Dreijenlaan 2, NL-6703 HA Wageningen, The Netherlands;(2) Institute of Arable Crops Research, Rothamsted Experimental Station, AL5 2JQ Harpenden, Herts, UK;(3) Department of Agricultural Sciences, University of Bristol, AFRC Institute of Arable Crops Research, Long Ashton Research Station, BS18 9AF Bristol, UK
Abstract:The segregation of the 75K gamma secalin locus (Sec-2) in combination with five interchanges (reciprocal translocations) and two marker genes was analyzed. The translocations involved chromosome arms 1RL, 1RS, 2RL, 2RS, 4RL, 5RL, 5RS, 6RL and 6RS. The gene loci were both on 2R, but the arm was not known. Although the Sec-2 locus was expected to be on chromosome 2RS, no linkage between Sec-2 and any of the markers was found. This is concluded to be the result of exceptionally frequent recombination between Sec-2 and the break point of one of the translocations, which is the only marker in 2RS.
Keywords:Secale  gene mapping  seed-storage-protein-locus  2R  markers  interchanges
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