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Revisiting Metchnikoff's work in light of the COVID-19 pandemic
Authors:Jean-Marc Cavaillon  Jack Levin
Affiliation:1.National Research Agency, ANR, Paris, France; 2.Departments of Laboratory Medicine and Medicine, University of California School of Medicine, San Francisco, CA, USA
Revisiting Metchnikoff''s work in light of the COVID-19 pandemic illustrates how much this amazing scientist was a polymath, and one could speculate how much he would have been fascinated and most interested in following the course of the pandemic. Since he coined the word “gerontology”, he would have been intrigued by the high mortality among the elderly, and by the concepts of immunosenescence and inflammaging that characterize the SARS-CoV-2 infection. While Metchnikoff''s work is mainly associated with the discovery of the phagocytes and the birth of cellular innate immunity, he regularly invited his closest collaborators to investigate humoral immunity, and it was in his laboratory that Jules Bordet made his major discovery of the complement system. While Metchnikoff and his team investigated many infectious diseases, he also contributed to studies linked to vaccination, such as those on typhoid fever performed in chimpanzees, illustrating that non-human primates can provide animal models which are potentially helpful for understanding the pathophysiology of the COVID-19 virus. In the present review, we illustrate how much his own work and the investigations of his trainees were pertinent to this new disease.
Keywords:Ageing   COVID-19   infection   inflammation   pandemic   phagocytes   vaccines   viral sepsis
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