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Ecological determinants of extrapair fertilizations and egg dumping in Alpine water pipits (Anthus spinoletta)
Authors:Reyer, Heinz-Ulrich   Bollmann, Kurt   Schlapfer, Alex R.   Schymainda, Angela   Klecack, Gabriela
Affiliation:Zoologisches Institut, Universitãt Zürich Wintherthurerstrasse 190, CH-8057 Zürich, Switzerland
Abstract:Behavioral ecology has successfully explained the diversityin social mating systems through differences in environmentalconditions, but diversity in genetic mating systems is poorlyunderstood. The difference is important in situations whereparents care for extrapair young (EPY) originating from extrapairpaternity (EPP), extrapair maternity (EPM), and intraspecificbrood parasitism (IBP). In birds, IBP and EPM are rare, butEPP is widespread and highly variable among species and populations.Explanations for this variability are controversial, mainlybecause detailed ecological information is usually lacking inpaternity studies. Here we present results of the first studyto identify the ecological determinants of extrapair activitiesfor both sexes of the same species, the water pipit (Anthusspinoletta). DNA fingerprints of 1052 young from 258 nests revealedEPP in 5.2% of the young from 12.4% of the nests. EPM and IBP,both involving egg dumping (EDP), each occurred in 0.5% of theyoung from 1.9% of the nests. Nests with and without EPY couldnot be distinguished by traits of the breeders and by reproductivesucccess, but they differed with respect to ecology: nests withEPP young were characterized by asynchronous clutch initiation,nests with EPM and IBP young were characterized by higher overlapwith neighboring territories and closer proximity to communalfeeding sites. We suggest that chance events, resulting fromthe temporal and spatial distribution of broods, offer a betterexplanation for the occurence of extrapair activities than femalesearch for genetic or phenotypic benefits. This possibilityof "accidental" extrapair reproduction as an "ecological epiphenomenon"with low potential for selection should also be considered forspecies other than the water pipit.
Keywords:Anthus spinoletta   breeding synchrony   DNA fingerprinting   extrapair maternity   extrapair paternity   intraspecific brood parasitism   mating system   operational sex ratio   territory overlap   water pipit.
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