Abstract: | In the years 1980-1985 72 children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia were diagnosed and treated by intensive combination chemotherapy (BFM protocols 79, 81, 83). Of these children 33 acquired a Hepatitis B-virus-carrier state with 1983 as the peak year of incidence. Both groups of patients, the infected and the uninfected ones, were comparable as to prognostic factors. All except 8 patients are off chemotherapy after a total duration of treatment of 1 1/2 or 2 years. Probability for event-free survival (life table analysis, maximum observation time 82 months, minimum 12 months) is equal (0.77 vs. 0.75) in both groups. With 3 exceptions, all HBV-infected patients still carry the HBs-antigen in the serum; 22 of the 30 living patients in the infected group developed anti-HBc. |